The Vincentia Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc, (VRRA), is an incorporated body formed to act as a Community Consultative Body (CCB), for the area of Vincentia. Community Consultative Bodies are recognised and endorsed by Shoalhaven Council to be representative of the Ratepayers and Residents for a given area.
The VRRA meets bi-monthly on the Third Thursday at 6.00pm in the Vincentia Community Hall at the western end of the Coles car park. The purpose of the meetings is to provide a community gathering to disseminate information, update the members on the latest developments, advocate for the improvement of public facilities, apply for funding either, local, state or federal, facilitate discussion, raise concerns and generally communicate community views regarding Vincentia to Council.
The VRRA/CCB is bound by guidelines published by the Council and by it’s own Code of Conduct. These guidelines can be found here on the Council Website Here
Any member of the Community who is a Ratepayer or Resident is automatically a member of the CCB and is welcome to attend and vote at meetings. Virtually all meetings throughout the year are conducted under CCB status and rules.
VRRA Inc is an incorporated association, acting as the CCB body for Vincentia. As such it is bound by its Objects of Association and Constitution. The Constitution was adopted on 17th February 2011 and incorporates three sets of amendments effective from 1st September 2016, 9th January 2017 and 18th January 2018.
Membership to VRRA Inc is also open to to any Ratepayer and Resident of Vincentia and requires annual registration and payment of a small nominal annual subscription.
To join the Association Click Here