Meeting Note

We attended the Community meeting held on Tuesday 12/11 at the Hall in Coles Carpark. What came out strongly from the well attended community meeting was loss and sense of grief, and astonishment that the course and club house remains closed; no one was benefiting by its closure.

Participants were asked:

• How can the impacts of closing the golf course, without notice, be reduced on the community and its residents?

• How can the golf club be made viable, so it continues in Vincentia?

• What developments would the community tolerate of the golf club land and buildings by the Country Club?

Basically what shone through was – what VGC had, should be restored and made more efficient. Development was not favoured, but if deemed to be necessary, a few begrudgingly indicated a small scale limited development might be considered providing the neighbours and community are not disadvantaged.

Tourism featured strongly because of the location, with walking, cycling, nature appreciation, views that can be capitalised overlooking Jervis Bay, in addition to enjoyment of an iconic golf course. Appropriate accommodation merged into the property without disturbing the richness and beauty of the environment. An improved club house with restaurant, Café, auditorium, but capacity for the locals was a priority.

Maintaining the existing amenity was an essential characteristic if future specialist housing projects were to be considered, and then it would need to be lower height buildings, discreetly dispersed within the confines of the golf course rather than centralised intensive higher rise buildings. No one said they wanted 4 Storey aged care accommodation with a club house in the Old Folks home!

 Vincentia needs community space for business, social, and recreational interactions, celebration space for parties, weddings, wakes. Reopening will rehabilitate relationships, address the loneliness and sense of isolation of members who relied on the club for the camaraderie they shared. 

If you couldn’t attend on the 12/11 but want to comment on the extensive input collected – you have the opportunity by attending the forthcoming Community Connect Day.