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2021 Elections


Our next CCB meeting is Thurs 18th Feb 2021

Due to Coronavirus, social distancing rules will be in place.
The VRRA is conscious of community safety and in keeping with NSW Government guidelines requests that everyone, if possible, to please wear a mask.

Everyone welcomed.

What a year 2020 was with the impact of Covid19. For the VRRA it was no different but we still got on with the job. We are proud to have initiated and completed, a number of key
Community valued projects, with more underway

2021 is shaping up as no different.

The VRRA AGM Elections

Since nominations opened, an unprecedented number of nominations (15) have been received for the committee positions that will become vacant (9). At the same time the number of new financial members that have joined is also a record. Whilst this is admirable, it is important to understand that with the many new nominees and members, the outcome of the Committee elections could well determine the future direction and policies of your VRRA and consequently the CCB (Community Consultative Body) which is your voice in the community. Only financial members are eligible to vote. Therefore if you would like a say in the make up of your Committee and the direction of your community and future projects, please ensure that you are registered and financial. If not you can join and pay your membership fee online ($10). (Membership Applications are now closed)

Hope to see you there.
(Click for details on where we meet)

The list of nominees standing for the Committee are (click the name to see a brief description)

Name Committee Position 2020 Member
Ken Buckley President Y
Luciano (Lou) Casmiri Secretary/Committee Y
Bob Pullinger Treasurer/Committee Y
Anthony Thompson Committee Y
Roslyn Vickery Committee Y
Norm Vickery Committee Y
Brenda Garnett Vice President/Committee N
Margaret Willard Committee N
Ben Krikstolaitis President/Committee N
Louise Bargwanna Treasurer/Committee N
Heather Cook Committee N
Erica Jones Vice-President/Committee Y
Lyndon Snelling Committee N
Charlie Brown Committee N
John Ross Committee Y